*Academic Projects*

This page houses links to some of my projects and presentations. Most of these files are large, so it may be easier to save them to your local disk. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader and WinZip. Please email me if a link does not work. Thank you.

Project Title Description Course Date
The High Performance, High Payload Driving School Car
Report (370 kB PDF)
Parameters (Data) File (48 kB PDF)
Vehicle dynamics modifications, analyses and simulations based on a 1995 BMW 318is. Sorry, the linked report has numerous typographical errors. ME227
Vehicle Dynamics and Control
June 2002
Team BMW - Alternative Stepless Door Stop System
Final Design Brochure/Poster (Public) (1042 kB PDF)
Final Design Presentation and Linked Videos (Public) (16808 kB ZIP)
Public versions. ME310C
Team Based Design Innovation with Corporate Partners
June 2002
Team BMW - Alternative Stepless Door Stop System
Final Design Presentation (951 kB PDF) (Please download videos from the above public version link.)
Final Design Document (7172 kB PDF)

Final Design Brochure/Poster (1042 kB PDF)

Confidential (A Team BMW login is required.)

Team Based Design Innovation with Corporate Partners
June 2002
Team BMW - Alternative Stepless Door Stop System
Winter Design Presentation (746 kB PDF)
Winter Design Presentation Executive Abstract (Handout) (3478 kB PDF)
Winter Design Document (5554 kB PDF)

Confidential (A Team BMW login is required.)

Team Based Design Innovation with Corporate Partners
March 2002
Team BMW - Alternative Stepless Door Stop System
Product Definition Presentation (967 kB PDF)
Autumn Design Requirement Document (3368 kB PDF)

Confidential (A Team BMW login is required.)

Tools for Team-Based Design
December 2001
Paper Rickshaw - Golden Fish: Chariots of Paper
Presentation (3854 kB PDF)
Design Requirement Document (2101 kB PDF)
A rickshaw made almost entirely out of paper-based products. ME310A
Tools for Team-Based Design
October 2001
Train Race  (416 kB PDF) A microprocessor controlled model train system running on both AC and DC power. MAE 412
Microprocessors for Measurement and Control
May 2000
Design and Integration of Suspension, Brake and Steering Systems for a Formula SAE Race Car:
Report (4210 kB PDF)
Report (HTML)
Presentation (5115 kB PDF)
This is the conclusion of my senior independent work and focuses more on the mechanical design of the vehicle control components of our Formula SAE race car. It supplements "Simulating and Prototyping a Formula SAE Race Car Suspension System." Some images have been removed for copyright compliance. MAE 440
Senior Independent Work
May 2000
Graphical and Grammatical Viewpoints on the Necessity of an Omote-Ura Spatial to Explain Japanese Pragmatics (243 kB PDF) This is an expanded version of "Graphical and Grammatical Viewpoints on the Necessity of the Omote-Ura Spatial Axis." Paper for the Japanese Language Certificate Program May 2000
Simulating and Prototyping a Formula SAE Race Car Suspension System:
Report (4670 kB PDF)
Report (HTML)
Presentation (1745 kB PDF)
The fall report and presentation of Princeton Formula SAE's Vehicle Control Division. Summarizes design considerations and manufacturing achievements in prototyping a Formula SAE race car suspension system. Some images have been removed for copyright compliance. MAE 439
Senior Independent Work
May 2000
Summer '99 at Bumper/Fascia/Grille:
Presentation (1276 kB ZIP)
A summary of my major contributions to the Bumper/Fascia/Grille (Exterior Hardware) department at GM Truck Group. Confidential items are not included. GM Truck Group
Bumper/Fascia/Grille Engineering
Summer 1999
Graphical and Grammatical Viewpoints on the Necessity of the Omote-Ura Spatial Axis (162 kB PDF) An analysis on the need of the spatial omote-ura axis in addition to the uchi-soto axis for defining Japanese situational interaction behavior. EAS 447
Introduction to Japanese Linguistics
May 1999
The Helical Spring: Theory and Calculation in the Context of the Automobile Suspension (319 kB PDF) An application of the theory discussed in my solids class. Includes example problems for both static and impact loading. CIV 205
Mechanics of Solids
January 1999
Report &  Presentation (2025 kB ZIP)
An elegantly revolutionary quiet leaf blower. MAE 321
Engineering Design
January 1999
Psychology of the Automatic Transmission (315 kB PDF) A look at the successes and failures of the automatic transmission from a psychological standpoint. PSY 322/CIV322
Human-Machine Interaction
January 1999
HeaviLift Crane (299 kB PDF) A lightweight aluminum crane tested to lift 351.25 pounds. MAE 321
Engineering Design
October 1998
T Utility Truck Customer Measurement Program:
Presentation (323 kB ZIP)
A summary of my contributions to an ongoing project at GM Truck Group Field Test which seeks to take data directly from customer-owned vehicles rather than vehicles on the test grounds. Confidential items are not included. GM Truck Group
Field Test Group
Summer 1998
Test Incident Report Comparison Study (255 kB ZIP) A comparison study highlighting the difference in failure modes between on-site testing and field testing of GM Trucks. Confidential items are not included. GM Truck Group
Field Test Group
Summer 1998
Mean Effective Pressures and Specific Fuel Consumption of a Direct Fuel Injection Spark Ignition Two-Stroke Engine (536 kB PDF) Quantifies the advantages of direct fuel injection in terms of mean effective pressures and specific fuel consumption. Qualitatively describes benefits in emissions. MAE 221
May 1998
Lift and Drag Effects of a Rear Wing on a Passenger Vehicle (335 kB PDF) Reports the changes in lift and drag associated with a height adjustable rear wing on a 1/18 scale Dodge Viper. MAE 222
Mechanics of Fluids
January 19998