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Please be patient while this section is being redesigned. For now, please take a look at the following:

The BMW 7 Series is the 2002 Best Engineered Vehicle according to Automotive Engineering International (an SAE publication).
A copy of the article is here.

"Simulating and Prototyping a Formula SAE Race Car Suspension System." This paper, completed in January '00, contains a lot of information on suspension design, for both race and street cars. The formatting isn't correct in HTML, images and equations are also too low in resolution. For best viewing, please download the PDF version of the paper that includes a proper table of contents and hyperlinking.

"Design and Integration of Suspension, Brake and Steering Systems." This is a follow up to the previous paper, completed in May '00, and has more on the mechanical design of our Formula SAE car. Here is the PDF version of the paper.